5 Ways to Attract Hummingbirds to the Yard

Ways to attract hummingbirds to the yard

Discover simple and effective ways to attract hummingbirds to your yard with feeders, native plants, and water features.

Do you love hummingbirds as much as I do? These tiny, mesmerizing birds are among the most delightful visitors to our backyards.

I enjoy having them around so much that I go out of my way to create nests for them or provide materials they can use to build their own.

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10 Most Common Types of Squirrels in Backyards

Common types of squirrels in backyards

This guide shares 10 of the most common types of squirrels we come across in backyards in the USA, with informative descriptions of each.

I’ve always been captivated by these energetic creatures, their cheeky antics, and the remarkable diversity within their ranks. From the sprightly Eastern Gray Squirrel, a common sight in many of our neighborhoods, to the elusive flying squirrels gliding through the twilight sky.

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25 Decorative Bird Bath Ideas for the Garden

Decorative bird bath ideas for the garden

Find inspiration with these 25 unique and decorative bird bath ideas to provide water for birds and enhance the appearance of your garden or yard.

A bird bath in a garden or backyard space not only provides decorative value but can also support the conservation of wild birds.

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10 Scents and Smells That Keep Squirrels Away

Scents and smells that keep squirrels away

This guide explores ten of the most effective scents and smells to repel squirrels so you can protect the flowers and plants in your yard.

With those big puffy tails and pointy ears, squirrels are certainly cute, but they can also do some impressive damage. They love to dig holes in the garden beds, munch on flowers and veggies, and can even do significant damage to wood on the exterior of your home.

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9 Plants and Flowers That Repel Squirrels

Plants and flowers that repel squirrels

In this article, I will introduce you to 9 plants and flowers that repel squirrels so you can keep these critters away from your gardens and get them to stop digging in your flower beds.

Squirrels and gardens are not a good mix. Not only do these mischievous rodents like to eat some types of flowers and vegetable garden staples, but they will readily uproot a plant to hide an acorn for winter.

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How to Keep Squirrels Away From Plants (10 Tips)

How to keep squirrels away from plants

This guide explores ten practical methods to stop squirrels from digging up plants and keep them out of your garden.

Whether digging up your soil or munching on your produce, squirrels can quickly undo all the hard work you’ve put into your vegetable and flower gardens.

Luckily, despite how intelligent and persistent these rodents can be, there are some effective ways to keep them from damaging your plants without resorting to drastic or expensive measures.

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How to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeders (11 Practical Tips)

How to keep ants out of hummingbird feeder

Hummingbirds love the sweet taste of sugar water. Unfortunately, that love is shared by ants. If you have a hummingbird feeder, you probably know this fact all too well.

So the question is, how do you allow hummingbirds to enjoy your feeders without letting the ants steal all the sweet water you’ve worked so hard to make?

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How to Make Bird Feeders Squirrel Proof (10 Tips)

How to make bird feeders squirrel proof

This guide shares ten practical tips to keep squirrels away from the bird feeder in your backyard and keep birds safe and happy.

There’s nothing better than looking out your window to see a flock of colorful songbirds enjoying the offerings in your birdfeeder. But this rewarding hobby can quickly become costly and time-consuming when squirrels get involved.

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